lace 1.2 release image

Join us on a tour of Lace 1.2

Discover the new features in the 1.2 release of the Lace Web3 platform.

Another major release for the Lace light wallet platform has arrived and itā€™s got a bunch of new features to make your Web3 journey on Cardano even better than ever. Read on to discover the exciting new features now available in Lace 1.2.

Categorize your collectibles

Going with the flow is fine, but categorizing and organizing is totally our vibe too! Thatā€™s why weā€™ve rolled out a new feature for you to create folders for your NFTs. So, now you can group your NFTs however you like: by artist, by theme, by date ā€“ the world is your oyster!

NFT folders Lace gif

Your balance is your business

We get it, sometimes you want to keep your wallet balance hidden from prying eyes. Never fear, Team Lace is here. Lace 1.2 now includes a feature to hide and show your balance at will. Just hit the eye icon and your balance will be replaced by asterisks (or vice versa) šŸ‘ļø *ļøāƒ£.

Improving the DApp connector

Bringing the world together on Web3 is the Lace mission and the DApp connector is central to this. Thatā€™s why improving it is always top of mind. In this release, weā€™ve fixed how the DApp connector throws errors back to DApps, so they can display error messages at their end. You can also now sign transactions with staking keys, which is particularly useful for doing things like DAO voting.

Your balance, displayed right

Seeing the correct price of your tokens is important, right? Thatā€™s why weā€™ve improved how Lace makes requests to the MuesliSwap API, so Lace can show you the current token prices every time. Youā€™re welcome.

Faster means better

Lace 1.2 improves how requests are made in the tokens and activity sections to increase speed and enhance the overall user experience in Lace.

Want to jump into the world of Web3? Get Lace now.

Team Lace